Brooks Kolb’s Finn Hill Meadows Garden Makes the Cover!

In an issue titled “Classic Gardens Stand the Test of Time,” Seattle Landscape Architect Brooks Kolb’s Finn Hill Meadows Garden was featured on the cover of the February 8, 2015 issue of the Seattle Times’ “Pacific NW” magazine. The cover photograph shows the moss-covered woodland waterfall on the uphill side of the house, built by Turnstone Construction. The stream appears to flow through the house, emerging on the downhill side of its unique circular lot in a tranquil lily pond. The owners, Bob Fries and Dee Dee Dahlen, continue to enjoy gardening on the property, approximately 12 years after installation.

Describing the garden’s location in a meadow and horse pasture high on a hillside above Juanita Bay, Seattle Times garden writer Valerie Easton notes, “Kolb met the challenge of designing a personal, private garden on a wide-open site with 360 degrees of sun and shade.” Of the extremely varied plantings, which Dee Dee Dahlen is constantly adding to, Easton continues, “She’s planted thousands of daffodils and decisuous azaleas for spring flower and fragrance. Tall ornamental grasses, small willows, vine maples and Japanese snowbell trees (Styrax japonica) turn parts of the garden blowsy with foliage.”

Here’s a link to the full article:

Photographs by Mike Siegel


The Waterfall


The Garden Steps


View over the Lily Pond


Lavenders Beyond the Split Rail Fence

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